Sales Tax Exemption

Any order placed with us may be subject to sales tax. If you are located outside of Texas and have a valid sales and use tax exemption number registered with your state, please contact us so that we may email you a form to complete.
All orders shipped to an address in Texas (or picked up at our location) are subject to Texas sales tax. This goes for customers who are based out of state as well. If you come to our facility to pick up your order, you are required to pay state sales tax unless you have a state tax exmption. If you have a valid Texas sales & use tax permit or otherwise qualify for sales tax exemption, we have a process whereby you may request that sales tax be exempted from your orders.
If your business is in Texas, please follow these steps to set up your sales tax exemption.
1. Download this form which contains both the Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate and the Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification. THIS FORM IS ONLY VALID FOR TEXAS. You only need to complete ONE of these forms. Do NOT complete both forms.
2. Complete and sign the appropriate form. We have already filled in several fields on each form. If you are unsure which form you should use, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website has a very helpful frequently asked questions page about exempting
Texas sales tax.
3. IMPORTANT! - Clearly write your username along the top of the form so that we are able to associate the form with your login information. If you do not have a username, you must register on our website to create one.
4. Return the form to us by fax (817) 741-0879, e-mail
Customer Service, mail it to Lone Star Candle Supply, Inc. 5800 Park Vista Circle Keller, TX 76244 or bring it by in person.
We are normally able to review requests for tax-exempt status the same business day. Upon approval, we will retain the completed form in our offices and apply tax-exempt status to your account. You can determine your tax-exempt status by returning to the website, logging in to your account, and going to the checkout page (with item(s) in your cart. Simply look at the bottom right of the screen to see if sales tax is being added to your order. Once your account has tax-exempt status, all future orders using that login will be treated as tax-exempt until you request otherwise in writing. If you change the name (or company name) on your account, you are required to download and complete a new form with the updated information and return it to us so we may update our records.
If there are any changes to your tax exemption (i.e. owner name, company name, etc.) we will need a new form sent to us for our records.
If you do not currently have a sales tax permit, but are interested in receiving one, check out the frequently asked questions page on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website about obtaining a
sales tax permit.
*Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will need to download and install the latest version to view, fill, and print the form.