How to Make Scented Slime
Start by gathering all the items that you will need. The process will go much more smoothly if everything is readily accessible.

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Clear Crafting Glue
Baking Soda
Food Coloring
Glitter (optional)
Mixing Bowl
Measuring Cup
Rubber Spatula
Contact Solution/p>
Cover your work area with butcher paper or newspaper. Spills or drips are most times unavoidable, and clean-up is much easier if you don’t have to clean wax off of your work surface.

Step 1
First, you will need to measure out 1 cup of your crafting glue and pour it into the mixing bowl. If any glue sticks to your measuring cup just use the rubber spatula to scrape the rest of it out.

Step 2
You will need to choose a skin safe fragrance and measure out approximately 1/2 teaspoon and slowly pour it into the glue.

Step 3
Using the rubber spatula, slowly stir the fragrance oil into the glue until it is fully incorporated.

Step 4
Measure approximately 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and add it into the mixture.

Step 5
Add a few drops of food coloring (or any water based colorant) until you have your desired amount.

Step 6
Using your rubber spatula, stir in the baking soda and food coloring until they are fully dispersed in the glue mixture. The baking soda tends to ball up so make sure you mix it all in.

Step 7
This part is optional but who doesn't love glitter! Simply sprinkle in the desired amount and stir it in with the rubber spatula.

Step 8
Here's where it can get a bit messy. Take your contact solution and add a few squirts into the mixture and start stirring. You will have to keep adding the solution until you start to see the slime balling up. It helps if you use your hands once it gets to that point but make sure you cover your hands in contact solution before you touch the slime.

Step 9
Once you are able to pick up the slime without it sticking to your skin, it's ready!

That's it!
Whether you are making your slime to sell or making it for a party favor, have fun with it and make it your own! Here we have put the slime in one of our clamshell molds and made it into a party favor!
Are you ready to give it a try?
Check out the list of our soap safe fragrance oils to find a scent you can use to make your slime.
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